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#1 Amazon International Best-Selling Book 

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7 Tactical Ingredients That Compound to Double Your Profit in as Little as 90 Days Without Spending More Money on Marketing

+ 2 BONUS TRAININGS ($994 Value)

"The author’s desire and enthusiasm for the reader to succeed clearly shines through as he shares this easy to follow formula. The content is cleverly packaged into a practical toolkit."    AMAZON REVIEW     

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"The author’s desire and enthusiasm for the reader to succeed clearly shines through as he shares this easy to follow formula. The content is cleverly packaged into a practical toolkit."   

What is the PROSPER Formula?


It is NOT just another “RA, RA” book full of platitudes, fluff and empty promises, with no real tactics you can implement.
It is NOT a rehashed, outdated , old school business strategies that don't apply in today's economy and business environment.

The PROSPER Formula is a cutting edge tactical workbook that is exactly what every local small business needs to succeed (PROSPER).

The "PROSPER Formula" is comprised of seven powerful tactical marketing and operations ingredients you can immediately implement in your business. Each ingredient builds upon the other to create a massive compound effect to dramatically increase in your profit... GUARANTEED!

If your small business has plateaued and you just can’t seem to take it to the next level, you need to read this book!

Four big lessons readers will take away from this book:

1.) Mindset

- Remove your head trash and align your thinking with the mega-successful. This will help you understand that there is plenty of gold to be had for all small businesses and some of it should be yours.

2.) Skillset

– This book will show you the map of where the gold is hidden and how to get to it using specific tactical steps you can implement in your business to make massive improvements.


– This book will show you the exact heavy pieces of machinery that will simplify your dig for the gold. Keep in mind, these are not simply shovels. They are backhoes and bulldozers.

4.)Get off Your Asset

– This book will inspire you to actually implement the ingredients and grow your business.

The power of compounding tiny but relentless little improvements in seven key areas of your business will dramatically grow your profit.

"Eddie Hill knows marketing. His down to earth approach is easy to understand and follow. Valuable insight and easily actionable items are laid out for any non marketing layman to follow and add to their bottom line."

Hurry, This FREE Offer Won't Last long!

I Am Only Giving Away 1000 Copies

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You’re Getting TWO Special Bonuses

Valued at $994 (Absolutely Free, SEE BELOW)


6+5 1-5 TRAINING

There is massive power in


This training will show you the simple math of implementing the PROSPER Formula and exactly how it will double your profit.

Value: $497


10X your online conversions

by using the power of

digital charisma.

  • Digital Leverage

  • Competence

  • Confidence

  • Trust Levers

Value: $497

BONUS: 2 POWERFUL TRAININGS Valued at $994 (Access Immediately)

What Small Business Owners Say About This Book

We increased our profit by over $100K after we learned about the PROSPER Formula.

Derek & Alisha Stone

Local Small Business Owner

I was first introduced to the prosper formula when I heard the author speak about it. The formula is simple, but if you execute it, you can absolutely push your profits through the roof, have a better business, a more enjoyable business, and a more attractive business to sell..

Brandon Meek

CEO: Lead Crossing

Eddie Hill knows marketing. His down to earth approach is easy to understand and follow. Valuable insight and easily actionable items are laid out for any non marketing layman to follow and add to their bottom line.

Amanda Gianotti

CEO: Allogram, Inc.

From a writer who’s a master marketer, this book by Eddy Hill is a must read. This masterfully written book is for every entrepreneur. I can’t wait to read his next one!

Terry Damsky

Retired Entrepreneur

Inside of This FREE Book,

Here Are a Few of the Powerful Lessons You'll Discover

Impactful, tactical, teachings plus real world examples you'll find in this book:

  • Mindset

  • Skill set

  • Tool Set

  • Get Off Your Asset

  • Customer Journey

  • KNOW

    - 2 Types of Marketing and How to Do Them Successfully

  • LIKE

    - 4 Personality Types

    - 6 Reasons Why Someone Chooses A Business

    - 4 Ways to Get Prospects to Like You


    - Exactly How To Design Your Website For Conversions

    - 4 Ways to Build A 5-Star Reputation

    - 4 Steps If You Get A Bad Review

    - 4 Must-Have Trust Factors

  • TRY

    - 4 Ways to Get New Prospects to Try Your Business

  • BUY

    - 3 Ways to Get Customers to Buy Repeatedly


    - 3 ways to Get People to Talk Positively About Your Business

  • PROSPER Formula

    - 4 Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Prospects

    - 8 Ways to Increase Your Closing Ratio

    - 5 Ways to Increase Your Order Average

    - 5 Ways to Increase Your Sales Frequency

    - 4 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

    - 5 Ways to Decrease Your Expenses

    - Exactly Why You Lose Customers

    - 6 Ways to Increase Your Customer Retention Rate

    ++++PLUS MORE+++

Prosperous Christian Book


And 3 Countries

There Are Over 330 Specific Tactical Examples

On Growing Your Business

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You Will Also Get TWO Special Bonus Trainings

Valued at $994


6+5 1-5 Training

Value: $497

Digital Charisma Masterclass

10X Your Online Conversions

Value: $497

What Small Business Owners Say About This Book



7 Tactical Ingredients That Compound to


in as little as 90 Days Without Spending More MOney on Marketing.

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Here's What To Do Next

There Is No Catch!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the packaging and postage costs ($7.95 US or $16.95 international).

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

My motive is simple, I'm on a mission to double the profit of 1000 businesses in the next 5 years. The specific tactics in this book will do exactly that! I just need to get it into the hands of small business owners.

(Well... there is one little catch. Please tell me when you have doubled your profit so I can count your business!

[email protected])


in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

1. It's my way of giving back. God blatantly says, "Give And It Shall Be Given Unto You" ~ Luke 6:38. Chapter 18 in my first book covers this in detail. Also, this book contains my story of rags to riches and if I can teach someone else how to do the same, I consider it a huge success.

2. Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of my money from book royalties and speaking gigs. (I actually run real, successful, brick and mortar businesses.

Because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share for free what I learned from all my clients on their prosperous journey.

3. You might want my help... I am on a mission to help 1000 small business owners double their profit in the next 5 years. We are well on our way, BUT we must get hundreds more small businesses to implement the formula. Some small business owners don't have the time or resources to implement.
I own a large done for you (DFY), marketing agency and a small business consulting company. It would be an honor to implement the formula for you.

For some busy entrepreneurs it’s easier to pay an expert that helps businesses grow every day than implement the formula themselves. 

Sign Up Noe and TWO Free Bonus Trainings.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why... I'm only giving away 1000 copies. 
If this page is still here, then the offer is live.  But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time. Obviously I take a loss every time I ship a book for only $7.95 shipping. I have to pay to print the book, I have packaging expenses and I pay to ship it to you (depending on where you are, it's usually way more than $7.95. It also costs me just over $21 in advertising expense to get someone to take the offer.  So, why would I do that? Simple, I'm on a mission to double the profit of 1000 small businesses. The tactics in this book will do exactly that, GUARANTEED! However, I realize that some small business owners don't have the time or the resources to implement the formula. My agency would be honored to implement the formula for you. Pretty straightforward. Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" 365-Day Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your shipping fee and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

Of course I don't believe I'm taking a risk, because I believe you are truly going to love this book and you'll quickly see how these tactics will dramatically grow your business.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer 

So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Edward C. Hill

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 172 page #1 international best-selling book, "PROSPER Formula" (that retails at $24.95) for FREE.  Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is shipping ($7.95 US or $16.95 international).

You will also receive 2 Bonus Trainings.

1.) PROSPER Formula (6+5 1-5)

2.) Digital Charisma: 10X Your Online Conversions.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... 

If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back.

So, click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.

Pay ONLY $7.95 Shipping & Handling

You Will Also Get TWO Special Bonus Trainings

Valued at $994




Eddy Hill is an international best selling author, speaker, and business coach. He has spoken to and taught thousands of business owners entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants how to live the more abundant life and Prosper.

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Copyright 2025. Prosperous Christian LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

180 East Burgess Rd. Suite D, Pensacola, Florida 32503 | 850-542-8842

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